Community Grant Scheme (CGS)

All 18 community councils are allocated funds from the Viking Community Fund on a share basis. The areas hosting the wind turbines are allocated 5 shares and all others are allocated a single share.

The five-share areas are Delting, Nesting and Lunnasting, Sandsting and Aithsting and Tingwall, Whiteness and Weisdale and each has an annual allocation of £32,575.

Single share areas are Bressay, Burra and Trondra, Dunrossness, Fetlar, Gulberwick, Quarff and Cunningsburgh, Lerwick, Northmaven, Sandness and Walls, Sandwick, Scalloway, Skerries, Unst, Whalsay and Yell and have an annual allocation of £6,515.

Applicants applying to a specific community council area should complete a Tier 1 or Tier 2 application.

The Viking Community Fund has also allocated £135,000 to the CGS Tier 3 which is for applicants whose projects cover more than three community council areas. Tier 3 will open 3 times per year with £45,000 available during each round.

Tier 1

  • Applications £50 to £1,000
  • Apply online
  • Open all year round (subject to remaining funding in your area)
  • Multiple applications up to an annual total of £2,000
  • Local community council decision making
  • Outcome within 8 weeks

Tier 2

  • Applications £1,001 and above
  • Apply online
  • Project covering up to 3 community council areas
  • Open all year round (subject to remaining funding in your area)
  • One application permitted every 12 months
  • Local community council decision making
  • Outcome within 8 weeks

Tier 3

  • Applications £200 to £15,000
  • Apply online
  • Projects covering more than 3 community council areas
  • Open 3 times per year
  • One application permitted every 12 months
  • SCBF decision making
DeadlinePanel meets
30th SeptemberMid November
31st JanuaryMid March
31st JulyMid September
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