• Is this grant scheme different from the AGS?Chevron-down

    The Community Grant Scheme is very similar to the AGS, the application questions are mostly unchanged and the objectives for funding remain largely the same. There are some new funding limits to Tier 1 applications, restrictions on applying to multiple community councils have been introduced for T1 and T2 but this is now captured by a T3 fund and there are changes to repeat applications.

  • What are the priorities for CGS funding?Chevron-down

    Applications need to sustain and develop the local community, represent value for money, show community involvement and be financially viable.

  • Can you explain how the application process works for Tier 1?Chevron-down

    All applications are submitted to SCBF. On receipt of the application, SCBF carries out due diligence (checking group’s bank statement, application meets objectives of the fund etc), removes applicants’ personal data then sends application to the relevant community council for a decision. The community council will then be asked to complete a feedback form stating whether they support the application for funding and return it to SCBF. The grant offer or grant rejection will be undertaken by SCBF administration. The aim is an 8-week turnaround from when SCBF receives the application.

  • Can you explain how the application process works for Tier 2?Chevron-down

    The process is the same for Tier 2 as it is for Tier 1. Due diligence involves additional documentation including accounts, constitution and quotes for work/purchases.

  • Can you explain how the application process works for Tier 3?Chevron-down

    All applications are submitted to SCBF. On receipt of the application, SCBF carries out due diligence (checking group’s bank statement, accounts, constitution, application meets fund objectives etc) and once the fund closing date has been, the application will be scored against set criteria. The decision whether to award funds will be made by Delegated SCBF Officers based on these scores. The grant offer or grant rejection will be undertaken by SCBF administration. SCBF aim to return a decision within 4 weeks of the fund closing date.

  • Are there any restrictions on groups applying to several, or even all 18 community councils?Chevron-down

    Yes, applicants can only apply to a maximum of 3 community councils for Tier 1 and Tier 2 applications. For projects covering more than 3 community council areas, applicants should complete and submit a Tier 3 application.

  • Can we apply to multiple Tiers?Chevron-down

    Yes. You are permitted more than one Tier 1 application (up to an overall total value of £2,000) and one Tier 2 application within a 12-month period. Your 12 months begins from the date on the offer letter for the first grant award. The applications must be for different projects.

  • Can I apply for core organisation costs, i.e. running cost (rent, rates etc)Chevron-down

    SCBF are a ‘project funder’ and would not be looking to support an organisations ongoing core running costs, however, in exceptional circumstances SCBF will consider short-term assistance of core costs to support during a period of organisational transition.

  • Can I make repeat applications annually for the same project?Chevron-down

    Applicants will be permitted to apply again for the same project 12 months from their previous grant offer letter. However, SCBF intend for projects to be self-sustaining and would like to make applicants aware that applications for repeat funding may be less likely to gather support, particularly where the fund is oversubscribed.

  • How much can we apply for?Chevron-down

    Tier 1 applications are up to £1,000. There is no limit on the value of Tier 2 applications. Tier 3 applications are for grant requests of £200 to £15,000 where these cannot be accessed through the Tier 1 or Tier 2 schemes. Projects covering up to 3 community council areas will not be eligible to apply to the Tier 3 fund and must apply through T1 or T2.

  • When people apply for a grant do they have to agree to publicity?Chevron-down

    Yes, however, this would be relevant and appropriate to the size of grant awarded. SCBF would discuss what publicity is appropriate with the successful applicant. An individual in receipt of a grant would not be expected to supply a photograph or their name for example.

  • Who carries out evaluation and monitoring?Chevron-down

    SCBF carries out grant evaluation approximately 6 months after your grant has been paid. They will ask you to complete an evaluation form and return it to them along with any invoices relating to grant expenditure and any publicity or media coverage of your grant award. If your project hasn’t been completed in this time, the Administration Officer will contact you again at a later date but within 12 months of grant award (grant monies should be spent within 12 months unless otherwise agreed). Evaluation is a condition of your grant award.

  • Will applicants be asked for feedback on the scheme?Chevron-down


  • Can religious groups apply for grant funding for buildings? (e.g. kirks)Chevron-down

    Yes but only where they can evidence regular and extensive use for community purposes such as mother and toddler groups, crafting groups etc, not weddings and christenings. The improvements must benefit the wider community.

  • Can schools apply for grant funding?Chevron-down

    As a statutory body, schools themselves cannot apply, however, the scheme accepts applications from Parent Councils.

Please contact SCBF with any queries or concerns you may have, and we will be more than happy to help.

Community Council FAQsChevron-right