Reactive and Proactive Strategic Funds

Most of the Viking funds will be allocated to the two Strategic Fund schemes. SCBF will be a ‘project funder’ supporting one-off projects or those that may last several years. Applications for support must be for community-focussed activities which ‘sustain and develop Shetland’s communities’ and clearly focus on the priorities identified in our business plan. We will always encourage applicants to seek other funding for a project.

Strategic Fund priorities

  • More younger people wanting to stay and/or come back to Shetland.
  • Better transport links within and between communities.
  • Better broadband and/or mobile phone connections.
  • Reduced cost of living in Shetland.
  • Improved housing supply and affordability.
  • Preservation and enhancement of Shetland's natural environment.

Proactive Fund

The Strategic Proactive Fund is a closed fund where SCBF itself engage with stakeholders to discuss potential initiatives on the fund’s priority issues. Projects which are intended to have a long-term impact on the complex issues involved in the fund’s priorities will be developed into formal applications to SCBF. Please contact SCBF directly if you would like to discuss this funding.

Contact Us

Proactive Fund guidelines

Reactive Fund

  • Applications over £10,000
  • Apply online
  • One application permitted annually which can be for a multi-year project
  • ‘Project funding’ which meets one or more of the priorities
  • Open 3 times per year, £80,000 available during each funding round

Panel meets

31st OctoberEarly December
28th FebruaryMid April
30th JuneMid August

Reactive Fund guidelines

Reactive Fund information and frequently asked questions

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