Information and FAQs for Applicants – Reactive Strategic Fund

The following information gives details on the Viking Community Fund Strategic Priorities and the types of projects the fund would look to support. This list if not exhaustive and if you have an idea not covered below, please contact SCBF for an initial discussion.

  • More Younger People Wanting to Stay and/or Come Back to ShetlandChevron-down
    • Projects and activities aimed at promoting the benefits of a range of employment opportunities within Shetland.
    • Employment support schemes to maximise uptake of training and learning opportunities within Shetland, including potential areas of support to both individuals and businesses.
    • Incentive schemes for "young starters" to set up new businesses on their own account, potentially including shared facilities / hubs / pop-up premises for new start and small businesses.
  • Better Transport Links Within and Between CommunitiesChevron-down
    • Support for a range of shared community transport options such as “car clubs” and “dial-a-ride” community transport.
    • Feasibility grants to develop new transport initiatives.
    • Projects to encourage safe walking and cycling within communities and promotion of walking and cycling as transport choices.
  • Reduced Cost of Living in ShetlandChevron-down
    • Support for initiatives which tackle fuel poverty including improving the local insulation supply chain, new small-scale community heating schemes and home improvements that enhance energy efficiency.
    • Encouragement of growing initiatives to make locally grown food more affordable and available.
    • Support for projects to reduce household costs in areas such as food waste.
    • Better Broadband and/or Mobile Phone Connections
    • Projects that support a greater number of people and businesses having access to good quality broadband.
    • Projects that support a greater proportion of people and businesses having access to good quality mobile phone coverage.
  • Improved Housing Supply and AffordabilityChevron-down
    • Targeted funding and support to unlock other schemes and delivery of small-scale community-based and social housing schemes, which could include feasibility study support and subsequent gap funding.
    • Fund an independent housing report to identify how the fund could make a difference to the housing situation in Shetland.
    • Supporting work to reduce the number of empty properties in Shetland and how they may be brought back into use.
  • Preservation and Enhancement of Shetland’s Natural EnvironmentChevron-down
    • Woodlands and peatland development
    • Funding of scientific studies and other research and feasibility work to support protection of natural environments, including the sustainable harvesting of those resources.
    • Encouragement of volunteering activity in the environment and conservation field, targeting young people in particular.
    • Projects to enhance the capacity available locally in relation to protection of the natural environment; for example by training of local scientific, environmental management, and conservation staff.
    • Specific project activity aimed at protecting and / or enhancing aspects of the natural environment.

The Viking Community Fund does not intend to be the main funder for large projects but to form part of an overall funding package.


Please contact SCBF with any queries or concerns you may have, and we will be more than happy to help.