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Consultation on Viking Community Benefit Fund extended

May 9th 2023

Shetland Community Benefit Fund have extended to Friday 19th May the period for responses to the community consultation on their funding priorities for the £2.2m a year funding due to be received when the Viking Energy Wind Farm becomes operational.

Already, well over 1,000 local residents have responded to the consultation and the results are being collated and analysed on an ongoing basis. However, SCBF is keen that as many people as possible can have an input so is making this extra period available for responses.

Those residents that have yet to complete the consultation questionnaire can do so by visiting ibp.eu.com/vcfconsultation/take-part, where they can complete the survey online or print off a hard copy questionnaire if preferred. Contact details are also provided for people to request extra copies of the survey or to request a telephone interview.

Invitations to take part in a similar survey are also now being issued to local business and voluntary / community groups and these surveys can be found at the same location.

SCBF chair Chris Bunyan said “The responses we have had so far are already providing us with great information on the priorities of people in local communities across Shetland as well as identifying people’s specific ideas – this will be of great value in developing the business plan for the use of this funding in the future”.

“I am delighted that we have been able to give people more time to take part if they need it, and would urge everyone to participate, whether by completing the survey online, downloading and sending back a paper copy or by requesting a telephone interview.”

For further information contact:

Eddy Graham, IBP Strategy & Research, e.graham@ibp.eu.com, 07846 270104

Chris Bunyan, SCBF chair, shetlandcommunitybenefitfund@outlook.com, 07880 590331