Privacy Policy

Grant applications

Shetland Community Benefit Fund Limited (SCBF) is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) under registration number ZA833366, as required by the Data Protection Act 1998.

SCBF strives to be General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant and it collects, processes and stores data in accordance with UK Data Protection Regulations.

The SCBF is committed to ensuring that the processing of personal data is only undertaken in the legitimate operation of SCBF’s business and for the purposes of administering funds.

Who sees your personal data?

The personal data that you supply to the SCBF is held securely and processed by us, for the purpose of assessing, administering and processing your grant application.

We may use the information you give us to analyse our grant making and for our own research.

We may give copies of this information to individuals and organisations we consult with when assessing applications, when monitoring grants and evaluating our programmes. Such organisations may include SSE Renewables, Viking Energy Wind Farm Ltd or other organisations employed by SCBF to evaluate grant applications. Information about your grant, including your name if you are an individual, may be shared with your community council and its clerk, in order for them to approve or reject your application.

We do not ask you to supply us with any Special Category Information, however, if you give us this information as part of your grant application we will endeavour to keep it confidential. Where it is necessary to share this information with a third party, we will only do so where we have a signed Data Sharing Agreement in place which ensures that your Special Category information remains secure and confidential.

We may share your information with other organisations, who you advise us, may be providing matched funding associated with your funding.

If your application is successful, we will need to share records of your application with SSE Renewables and Viking Energy Wind Farm Ltd.

We will also have to share your personal information with our accountants, auditors and, where required by law, government authorities and regulatory bodies, such as HM Revenue and Taxes.

If your application is successful, we may also share your organisation name with the public, but, where possible, your personal data will not be included, unless you are applying as an individual in which case we may share your name.

Treating you fairly:

  • Your data will be processed fairly, lawfully and transparently.
  • We will not use your data for any purpose other than those we specifically collected it for.
  • Whether we collect your personal data verbally, by paper form or online, we will only ever collect the data we need to perform the task you are requesting and no more.
  • We will only keep your data for as long it is necessary.
  • We will ensure that your data is kept safe.
  • Your data will not be transferred or stored outside the European Economic Area.

How long will we keep your data?

The SCBF will keep successful applications, records of grants awarded, including your personal data, for the full term of the Memorandum of Understanding with Viking Energy plus 7 years, thereafter your data will be destroyed. Grant applications that have been turned down will be kept for 3 years, after which they will be destroyed.

Your Rights Under GDPR

  • Your data should be correct and up to date and if it’s not, you have the right to have it corrected.
  • In some circumstances you may have the right to be “forgotten” which means that your data could be deleted.
  • You can object to how your data is being processed or ask us to restrict its processing. We would have to take into consideration our legal, statutory and business obligations before we agreed to make any changes, however, we would consider it seriously and explain transparently if where we can’t oblige.
  • If you have given your consent, you can change your mind.
  • You have the right to access the data that SCBF holds on you.

General enquiries

If you email or phone SCBF we may collect your personal information in order to fulfil your enquiry or request, or to send you further information.
We will not store your personal data after we have fulfilled your enquiry.
If we contact you by email or phone, in connection to an application, we may ask you for further details about your application. These further details will be attached to your application file and will be stored as long as the application is stored.


Website cookies

The SCBF website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The cookies we use are necessary as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

We use a third-party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to our site and what areas they are most interested in. This information is processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, or allow google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.

Our cookies are stored on your browser not on our website.

Facebook page

We only collect data which you have allowed Facebook to provide to us. We will be able to see which Facebook users have liked or shared our page articles.

Where you have requested information or help through Direct Messaging on Facebook, we may pass your information to a member of SCBF for processing, but your original Direct Message will be deleted within 30 days.

Links to other websites or Facebook pages

Our privacy notice does not cover links to other organisation’s websites or Facebook pages. If you have questions about how their sites use your information, you will need to check their privacy statements.

The SCBF will periodically review and update their Privacy Statement to provide improved clarity, ensure processing fairness and keep abreast of any changes in the law.

If you have any questions, or have a problem regarding how we are processing your personal data or wish to exercise any of your rights, we can be contacted using the following email address:

If you are unhappy with our handling of your data you can complain to the ICO.

Information Commissioner's Office
45 Melville Street
Tel: 0303 123 1115

This privacy policy was last updated on August 15th, 2024.